Everyone is creative, but expresses and uses his or her creativity in a different way. What is creativity to you and how do you apply it? Discover what creativity is for you and how you can develop your creativity further with My Creativity. By literally forming a picture of what makes you creative and how you do it creatively, you gain insight into your own creative development. My Creativity helps you to use your creativity more purposefully and to take targeted action to further develop your creativity.With My Creativity you form a unique picture of your creativity through the followingfunctions and features.- Determine what creativity is for you and what is important to you in it.The review helps you form thoughts about your creativity and how you do it creatively. You can also upload a photo of your work as a reminder.- Choose your unique blend of traits.Gain insight into your unique mix of traits and how youve shown them in your work by selecting them from a collection of traits. You can also add features that you find important for your creativity.- Provide insight into how you have applied your creativity.By choosing descriptions for the different steps in a creative process that best fit how you went through them.- 360 degree feedback on your creativityBy inviting others to form a picture of your creativity, you get a more complete picture of your own creativity.My Creativity was created in co-creation with students and teachers of Cibap Vocational School for Design and Sint Lucas and stems from design research conducted by the professorships ArtEZ Art and Cultural Education as Critical Strategy, Windesheim Educational Innovation and ICT and Cibap Vocational School for Design.Design:Version 1.1: Design and UI update by Joris van der Kamp and students graphic interaction design phase 3, 20-21.Version 1.0: Design, UI and icons by Amy Hofman, Melanie Benjamins, Cune Bouwman.Technical realization: Wemamobile.